“if we can conquer space , we can conquer childhood hunger.”
buzz aldrin
Our Mission
We are working on improving the lives of over 25,000 at risk mothers and children with malnutrition through direct practice.
At risk mothers and children with low socio-economic backgrounds have a huge impact on us and all our activities. They highlight those parts of the society that are broken, so we can help them in all possible ways to regain hope and flourish in life.
What we do
We plan to support amazing projects that help change the lives of disadvantaged children and at risk mothers from across different regions in East Africa.
Create awareness
we create awareness on the dangers of malnutrition and the socio-economicimpacts of food insecurity.
Provide support
we provide support to families at risk of food insecurity and children with malnutrition with basic necessities.
creation of assets
building of digital as well as tangible infrastructure for the affected households for a sustainable and a prosperous future.
advocating for self reliance and food security within the community and providing the tools and mindsets required to achieve them.